
Friday, April 30, 2010

Singapore Polytechnic Catholic Relic Hunters

Grace and Peace of the Risen Lord!

Nicholas Tan suggested how about we create a group under the umbrella of the SP Catholic Students' Society, called the SP Catholic Relic Hunters! =P

Relics of Saints can be divided into different categories. First Class relics are things like the Saints' bone, hair, skin, fingernails or things that's related to Christ, like the True Cross of Jesus etc. Second Class relics are things that the saints used when they're on earth, like their cassock, their clothing, their veils, etc. Third Class relics are generally cloth touched to the First or Second Class Relics. It need not be cloth actually.

Relics do not contain magical powers. Relics of Saints help us to better adore God, the God who created all these holy men and women!

St. Jerome, the biblical scholar said: "We do not worship, we do not adore, for fear that we should bow down to the creature rather than to the creator, but we venerate the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore him whose martyrs they are"

If the "SP Catholic Relic Hunters" are serious, I suggest we hunt and be custodians for the First Class Relic of St. Thomas Aquinas, Patron Saint for Students! Prayer is the key to finding relics.

Facebook Relic Albums, if you're interested!

O St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for us !

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vocation Sunday

4th Sunday of Easter(Vocation Sunday)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today, we celebrate vocation sunday. And as the name goes, the homily is about vocation. In mine parish, Fr JJ Fenelon relates to the recent child sexual abuse scandals going on recently in the church. The pope has been accused by many, and some even wanted to have him arrested. Even our holy father is not spared. However, the church has not fallen nor has it given way to the works of devil. For the past 2000 years of history, there are scandals and allegations about the church but we have not fallen. Why? Because our founder which is Jesus Christ himself, has protected us from all evil. And we would not fall, now or even in the future. If the church was founded by some man, it would have fallen sooner or later. Even though, only some priests are involved in the scandal, the media has make it as if every priests are involved.

Right now, we should pray for vocations because we are seriously lacking priests. Our kampung in punggol(Saint Francis Xavier Major Seminary) has only nine seminarians studying in it. Imagine such a big school with only nine students! I am sure God would call young men and women to take up the challenge of a religious life but not all would accept it.. A priest administer the sacraments to God's people. And think about it, we pay for lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc for their services to us. But we nener pay a single cent to priests who counsel us, who celebrate the mass for us, who helps out in the various church ministries etc. To me, all priests are heroes who sacrifice their all for God.

So let us pray for more vocations!

"Without priests, there would be no eucharist. Without the eucharist, there would be no priests." Archbishop Nicholas Chia


A video to sum things up. =)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi guys! First session has just pass! Next week there will be no sessions beacause there will be cca showcase from wednesday to friday. 11am to 5pm. Please come and help to promote and encourage freshies to join us! so please submit your timetable to lowell. thks!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Hello fellow brothers and sisters!! The website is up!! Now is still in its early stages of designing. So..please be patient! =)

God bless!